Wednesday, December 20, 2006

day 3 -

Snowing like a banshy outside, I'm still peevish from hubs 'Just Kiddings"- , shoveled and now my back hurts. . . I'm gonna open mail, play a suduko puzzle and pray for nice enough weather to shop tomorrow. Ah, Christmas cards aren't out, newsletters not done, presents aren't bought or sent. . . . maybe I should have done that to-do list. Puppylove is blind, deaf and dumb=) Adjusting my attitude, bbl.


Martha said...

Hey, isn't polgamy still illegal? I thought for a minute you were describing another brownie dad (MM).

And come on, is there anything cuter than a new puppy? I don't think so! Heck, I took about 20 pictures of someone else's dog. HOw pathetic is that but she was just so darn cute!

tz said...

Lists are useless, they just make you feel bad when they aren't completed...I'm doing nothing car is stuck at your house and I'm in my jammies. i think i need a bit of an attitude adjustment myself...wish i had some bailees.

Martha said...

Shall I email you more puppy porn? Will that cheer you up?