Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Just because it's Funny

I'm not really a cat person. . . Is that why this is so funny? I guess it would be equally as funny if it were a dog, so it's not a cat thing.
The kids laugh and laugh, and act out the speed boat towing the raft, an the wake (I've described this quite in depth today), and how the kids fly up in the air like this, and then the cat (oh, they're almost peeing their pants by this time, it's SO funny) - and then the cat goes like THIS ! "AAAAHGH!" hahahahahaha . At least 5 times today we went through the whole thing. Wait until they see that I've blogged it.

  • I've been cleaning.

  • Updating brownie stuff.

  • WORKING OUT 5 times a week (pat myself on the back, thank you very much) - since Christmas I'll have you know. Not like these weenies who've been doing it since New Years day. That's just dumb ;)
  • I just whipped out a 2 page paper for my The Exceptional Child in the Regular Classroom Class that starts tomorrow. My books are back-ordered so I'm otherwise screwed. But, my slides and recipes are shaping up nicely because of the back-order, so I guess it's a win win situation. OOH, I almost forgot!

  • I got my free Gevalia Coffee Maker today! Thank you Denise and Katrina for the hot tips and samples. I'm feeling very smart about the whole thing. (Much smarter than I felt when I was giving the old one a good cleaning and broke the caraf, and then imeddiately following finding out the replacement caraf costs 21$ - I found the springy thingy was also broken. What kind of crazy world do we live in now were it's easier and cheaper to throw out the old one (because goodwill won't take it) and order a brand new one. It goes against my grain. I should keep it in the basement for a decade in a box. . .to sooth my Gillis hoarding genes. The new one is shinny and pretty though, isn't it? And it just showed up on my doorstep in a great big box!
  • Racketeered into signing up for "gameplay". Caitlin won 3rd prize on a lunchables box. 3rd prize is a 30 day free trial of "gameplay" which is like netflicks only with JUST GAMES. So I had to enter my credit card of course, and all I have to do is cancel it. Bastards.
What else. The Beadery Cafe that was down in Parker, on mainstreet - it's closed now. Just fyi. Lost out to all those Walmarts I suppose.
Night night. Sleep tight. No bugs.

1 comment:

tz said...

you have been a busy busy girl and makes me feel horribly guilty for my couch sitting tv watching living in denial days.....