Sunday, June 15, 2008

2 sticks of butter, a roll of bubble gum tape and the shavings from the pencil sharpener. . .

What can you make with 2 sticks of butter, a roll of bubble gum tape and the shavings from the pencil sharpener?

Dinner for Lilly.

I love her dearly, but she's really pissing me off lately. The 5a.m. barking to wake me up to feed her, just isn't that cute anymore. Maybe I'll find the butter later, buried in one of the planters. . . Her only redeeming quality right now is that she has a cast iron stomach.

Only 5 more days of school. It was a fun weekend with a FAC BBQ, TZ's 40th Ladies Only party, and Kevin's pick of itinerary for fathers day. We just got home from fish tacos at Southlands - where the girls actually tried all sorts of weird things (for Daddy-O).

Night night!


Martha said...

sounds like a good weekend...minus the doggy woes.

Did you find the caldron that I left on your porch? Hubby thought it was funny that I'd borrowed such an item for the coven's gathering...

tz said...

hahaha, that's one pretty cauldron...

we should of had it on fri the 13th and made sure there were thirteen women there...

Sitting In Silence said...

Tell you what...I'll swap you my dog for yours....LMAO