Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ut-Oh. . .

This morning, I'm sitting here feeling pleasantly relaxed, having a lovely cup of coffee before going in to work. What I'm supposed to be doing is working out. That's what I've done for the past 3 weeks. EVER morning (weekday morning), on the run to squeeze it into 1 hour. I just couldn't do it today.

Yesterday was the first time I weighed myself in a month, and I'll be damned if THAT NUMBER didn't appear! Yeah yeah, muscle weighs more, blah blah blah, you're loosing inches, yadda yadda yadda, you'll have a big weight lose soon. I know it's not about THAT NUMBER, I'm actually quite proud of my ability to ignore THAT NUMBER. But but but, GDIATH - I really need THAT NUMBER to go away soon, or I fear my amazing motivation will evaporate into thin air, and this nice relaxed morning . . . nah. This time it's personal. THAT NUMBER - is going down!!! I think I'll wait another 3 weeks to weigh in. No. (because I'm afraid it will still be there) Let's make that track off time. That's about 6 weeks.

I've been working out hard, too! And eating responsibly. F-ing scale.


Martha said...

Is the thyroid tweeked properly? That could account for no shifts.

Are you drinking enough water? I just read something about how dehydrating exercise is and how much we need to replace that loss in addition to the daily water.

I'm impressed...I've only been at this exercise crap for a couple weeks and my muscles ache so bad I'm ready to toss in the towel and just learn to embrace "THAT" number!

Colleen O said...

the thyroid is tweeked, i'm guzzling water, and trying to eat right - I am now upping the ante, working out more like an hour every other day, (30 minutes cardio 5 days a week, weights on top of that 3 days a week.) I'm on day 1, so I'll let you know how that goes.

I have the time, for the next two weeks, and I absolutely HAVE TO get past this hump. I'm thinking it's a combination thyroid, perimenapause, no metabolism thing.

tz said...

If it helps, even if the number hasn't changed you do look like you've lost some inches...

you look good!