Monday, October 13, 2008

Am I a glass is half empty or half full kinda person?

Here's the test.

I'm home, doing laundry, studying, cleaning AND having a fabulous hair day... is that a good thing or a bad thing?
Pretty easy test.

It's the last week of break. I'm exhausted and the girls are sick to death of each other. Thank goodness we go back next week. (Was that another 1/2 empty, 1/2 full test?)

OK, I'm feeling the need to keep plodding along. Sorry blog world, it was another short visit.

OOOH! but most importantly, I broke my MAGIC NUMBER on the way DOWN the scale. My nemisis number, the axis of evil number, the number that makes loosing the rest of it seem down right plausable. Yeah Me!


Martha said...

YEAH on the scale victory!!!

Dodi said...

Go You!!!!!!