Friday, February 27, 2009

I don't believe I've ever been this glad it's Friday!

Don't know why, I just AM!
Super duper glad it's Friday.

I still have GS cookies to deliver, still have a booth sale, and a birthday party sleep over with no real plan of what to do, still have to study for the PLACE exam next week, still behind in all 3 classes. . . maybe it's just the possibility of finally getting a few of these off of my TO DO list.

Maybe it's because today I only had a $15 co-pay with our new insurance! (Probably wasn't the news of curvy spine-itis to add to my TO WORRY ABOUT ABOUT ABI list)

In any event, TGIF!

Update on my propensity to spew things out of my nose:

The alert is still on, I must stay away from church services and avoid funerals at all costs. Although nothing was expelled across the classroom, this last Tuesday I got every one started with giggling fits. 6 grown women, paying alot of money, giving up the hours of 6-10 - just needing a laugh. The instructor was kind and tolerant, but I'm sure she thought of making 2 of us sit out in the hall until we could pull it together. (I never managed.)

So Martha, it wasn't so much about what was funny. It's just that I had a week long case of the giggles. Much preferable to the eye twitch I had the week before.

OK, I'm off to enjoy my weekend, whether it's enjoyable or not!

1 comment:

Sitting In Silence said...

Hope you had a great weekend xoxo