Sunday, January 16, 2011


Resolve was ok, however - Frugality! Now there is a challenge. Also, the added levels to Franklin's idea of frugality isn't just to spend less. It's to spend "only to do good and waste nothing."

The book is funny, with excellent examples of how his attempts to save a few cents end up costing him a great deal more and being a headache. It's hard to know what to do, particularly for a second guesser like me. So let me sink my teeth in and report back!


Martha said...

Was Ben the one who said Penny-wise and pound-foolish? That's the one that catches me more often than not...trying to cost the cost, without remembering to look at the bigger picture. Good Luck with the frugality's a tough one!

Colleen O said...

Maybe - but the one who said "Americans have more money than cents" was the surly cab driver who thought I should know about the world stopping because of Boxing Day

tz said...

ugh, let's go back to resolve, that may be easier then frugality...