Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mom the Mighty Bug Killer

Oh, every year I forget the annual freaking out stage of the summer. First it's all glorious and grand, the expectation is fabulous; and then the bug reality hits! Both the girls are complete chicken weanie butts when it comes to bugs. I just killed my first "bee" of the season, (fly). Oh dear, and there is nothing quite so scary as a MOTH. You know the kind that are inevitably up high on a vaulted ceiling where you can't kill 'it, but the kids can still see it. The only think to have gotten the girls off of the trampoline -B-U-G-S-!


Aimee said...

Oh my Gosh!!! It sounds like my house. If I hear the words "look out for the bee" one more time, I might actually pull my hair out (or my braces off), both have their pros and cons!!!

tz said...

did i tell you the time jake ate a moth....ick!