Friday, June 01, 2007

I am Your Destiny. . .

said the Brownie Bottom Pie, to me quite loudly.

I'm off on a tangent. The WW meeting last night was about thinking about the positive and not focusing on your failures, but learning from them. (Which is a fine idea, good point, etc.)
But, just now I was reading how someone just refused to see anything but sucess. . . and call me cynical, but I'm sure she did put some effort into it, made some good choices, (this is a sucessful self help writter). So, she's saying she made it because she refused to fail. And I do believe you can greatly increase your chances by all of these positive things. . . I'm just saying, don't you think, maybe, there might have been just a little plain old dumb luck involved?

And then I was wondering about destiny, and whether or not I believe in it. There you go. Thought for the morning, other than my usual whoo hoo - it's Friday.


tz said...

but how many more DAYS?????
maybe that woman is in denial....

Martha said...

As for days left, Thing One's teacher pointed out today during their class meeting "Next week: hard work ahead. the week after that, another hard work week. But then, the last week, fun!" not what I wanted to overhear!

As for destiny and luck...yes, sort of like the trust funded children who grow up to become successful business people: they got their because of ?their drive/determination or opportunities that were presented and available to them since before birth? Hmmm...inquiring minds really want to know!