Friday, June 08, 2007

Who's that big kid?

Martha, that's not YOU on the wrong side of the rope is it?


Martha said...

That would be me...shhhhhhhhhh...don't tell my son. I'm not perfect, but I'm not on the G block either. HAHA

Martha said...

Uh Oh, he saw the picture and the tears started again. Sheesh, where did this kid get such a flair for the drama, she types with a guilt conscience!

tz said...

I do have to admit, I was glad I wondered over there at that instant to see M jump right in...that's what I love about Martha, she knows how to have fun w/ the kiddos...flash back to FAC at the Changs when Martha's running around the house w/ a cotton ball on a spoon in her mouth and falling and miles falling on her and everyone laughing.....get rid of the guilt martha, you're a fun mom!

Colleen O said...

you showed it to him!?! Well what were you thinking!