Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Purse Challenge

The Purse Challenge, thanks to Martha - What does this say about me? What would Freud say? My large, not at all full purse - is plain black, it contains a breakfast bar, a wallet, a lipstick, a comb, a notebook, and a pen.

I am
a.) a socio-path
b.) a liar, or
c.) I've had a recent bout of "OMG I've GOT to get organized".

(It's C, you can tell because of the keys. There are 2 wings of the keys. There are several that I have no idea what they are for, and even a few that don't work, or are for locks that no longer exist.) If the illusion of organization is the first step toward it, then I'm on my way. AND it's sitting right here by my foot, (therefore I know where it is). Baby steps. Now I just need to carry it through to my house and then my life. Piece of cake. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

tz said...

oh i'm glad you gave us the answer, i was going for (a)...because you can't have too many socio-paths in your life!