Saturday, June 13, 2009

It's another Saturday night, and I ain't got nobody...

The cousins/in-laws are gone, girls are asleep, Kevin is still at work... and I should be sleeping, but I can't - feeling weird. So, I'll stay up until I hear the hub get home, (and then suddenly I'll be overcome with exhaustion and go right to sleep before he gets up the stairs, not fair.)

Busy week. Too much to tell. That's why you should blog frequently. (Note to self.)

Regis, school, catching up, almost done. Work/school - 5 more days, almost done. Yadda yadda.
Vacation! Coming, steamboat springs, so do your homework woman, so you can enjoy it.
Girls, healthy, happy, giggling more each day. When does that stop? When did it start?
Grandparents now have skype - it's fun. Everyone should have it!, Computer world is a GO!
I now have delicious! (Social Bookmarking). It's fun. Everyone should have it!

I'm trying to begin the serious keeping separate - private life and public servant life, and I am suddenly very annoyed at the opinion restricting I'm going to have to do. I never really thought about it as problematic before, but I've had the opportunity to be . . . mis-judged recently, and I am more aware than usual that I'd be better off not thinking everyone is my best friend - better zip it better lock it better put it in your pocket!

2 reasons I didn't teach in my pre-kids, pre-body snatched life: 1.) Rules, rules, rules - (I'm more of a creative, outside the box, march to your own beat type.) I still don't get why you can't talk in the hallway. and 2.) Them - they - They are out there, and I don't always see eye to eye with them.

And in the larger the pros/cons scheme of things, it's about the kids, and the incidentals have to be put up with.

As a wise old PARA once said, "He thinks he's one this one, and that's OK. Eventually, I will win."

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