Thursday, June 18, 2009

When you think you've seen it all - here comes DAD

Kindergarten graduation today (not mine, but the kiddo I work with) - lots of crazy parents taking a bazillion pictures, and one fella made me do a double take.
He's got one of these gizmo's on his head, has another video camera in his hand, the digital camera is around his neck and a fanny pack with additional gear in it. It was funny, and I'm sure he'll still be doing it to the poor kid at every major event including prom night 10 years from now.
Then, I was going to blog about my parking lot incident. (Dove tailing nicely with the crazy dad-cam I thought.) Knowing full well that she's probably normally a perfectly nice gal, with a blog too, and she's probably ranting about me right now. So, instead I'm embracing my new "Let It Go!" philosophy.


Martha said...

That? Is a very funny gadget!
Do you suppose he's been doing this since conception? EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWW....

Oh NO: car accident? Do tell...

Colleen O said...

I have that very same thought about the delivery room - you know he did!

And it wasn't a car accident, it was my car door touching her car. Normally, I would have appologized, but she came at me with a tood - and I know I shouldn't have, but I escalated (to quote Miles)- on purpose! Must have been my Pablo Picaso self coming out.

Sitting In Silence said...

LMAO Love it ! Always one in the crowd !