Tuesday, November 25, 2008

"Oh he's not really sick. . ."

Today was Grandparents Day at school. They also called it Special Persons Day.
Could call it "bring someone important in your life who has a check book to the bookfair" Day.
Really, it's nice to see the effort at inclusion of all different types of families that makes kids feel less weird for not being from the Cleaver Family. In this class there are a couple of sad stories reguarding why dad wasn't there for donuts with dad this morning; why Grandma and Grandpa aren't coming.

But on the lighter side. . . I don't know why this litte girls Grandparents weren't coming, but she was expecting mom and brother. I overheard someone tell her "Your mom can't come because your brother is sick." So I sat near her and a few other loners so they would have an adult to chat with and share cookies.
Some share more than others. She was mad at her brother because now mom couldn't come. chat chat chat. Well, no see, he's not really sick. Really, chat chat chat. oh he's not really sick, he has a problem with his pee pee. OK. Yeah, there's something wrong with his pee pee again. There's always some thing wrong with it. Let's have another cookie sweetie!

Imagine what I might have learned if I'd had her full attention for longer than 2 minutes.


tz said...

oh my gosh....that's funny, but now i really want to know what's up there...

tz said...

uhhh, not what's up THERE, but you know what's going on..hahaha

Mrs4444 said...

Wow. That's kind of scary! :)