Monday, February 04, 2008

Use of "concrete positive reinforcers" is allowed. . .

I think that means Chocolate! I'm going to make a little sign to take to work tomorrow, to stick up on the cabinet where all of the "concrete positive reinforcers" are kept, and see if I get so much as a quizzical look. A labeling gun would make if funnier, but since no one but me will even bat an eye, I guess it's not worth the bother. (I think it's hysterical, and maybe why I want to be a special ed. teacher. . . why for all the concrete positive reinforcers of course!)

I'm finding that education, as a feild of study, has ALOT of blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadd in it. But, just to prove that there is NO pleasing me, I'll share a ridiculously specific example of an educational concern that was also provided in todays reading. . . wait for it. . . .
" avoid purple dittos." Thank goodness that was passed on so that I don't have to re-invent the wheel!

OK, night night.


Sitting In Silence said...

LOL... avoid purple dittos...You know over here Teachers are no longer able to mark in sets an angry tone ....

Can you believe it ?.

Colleen O said...

I just remember smelling them as a kid. What ever happened to the ditto machine I wonder?

tz said...

oh my gosh, I was so hoping that would be in an education books somewhere, I mean really I think my kid's not reading at grade level because of the purple dittos.

Martha said...

Gotta love me some reinforcers...only what do you do when the quirky kid doesn't like candy? Ask your teachers about that...would ya?

Thanks...and dittos? You mean those things we had back in the olden days? And why avoid purple? Is it because purple brings out the beast in our young learners? Ask the teacher that too ok? Is lavender ditto ok?

Enough...I'll go away now...and take my snarky bad mood with me!

Colleen O said...

I'm seeing a medium to light blue ditto in my head. When I picture the purple I want to hurt someone, but the blue, yes, the blue is nice.

Dodi said...

Warm purple dittos. I can almost smell them now. Back when all schools were insulated with asbestos, and teachers could not only mark your paper in red, but hold a child up in front of the class as an example of what NOT to do. Those were the days! (And we all seemed to turn out OK...?)

Oh, and at my house we call them "performance incentives"... you know... instead of bribes.