I played Barbie head with the girlies today, and they let me. Abi normally won't sit still long enough for this nonsense, and Cat flat out refuses - but today I had success. It almost makes it worse knowing how cute they could look all the time if I just had enough time and a maybe some mutton busting experience!
I've been between semesters for a whole week at Regis and it has been heavenly. The teacher I work for was nominated for the Golden Heart Award on Friday, lots of family time with Kevin - (he's got to be out of town next week - so he had Friday off) , soccer games on saturday, fun dinner group with friends I feel like we hardly ever see on Saturday, and a restful family day on Sunday. I almost feel ready for Monday! ( and it's only 39 more school days until summer - can you stand it!)
I loved playing w/ abi's hair when I was not her daycare provider and just the mommy she hung out w/ for pay...hahaha
Oh and I just remembered J's out of town this week too....what trouble do you think we can get into?
do you want to paint something? i'll help you move heavy furniture!
I should have taken a picture this morning. I did tight double french braids with wet hair, and they woke up kinky and cute as a button! (when undone). I think even they were impressed with their cuteness!
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