Tuesday, December 21, 2010

SILENCE! - week 2

SILENCE – ut oh – I don’t like the sound of this one. “Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself. Avoid trifling conversation.” If I can pay attention to this one a full week, it will be a constant battle. As the author of Ben and Me says, the medical term for what I have is A BIG MOUTH. Having said that, this is something that I will definitely learn from and an exercise that if even a fraction of it sticks, will make me a better person! Monday – we’re on Vacation – up skiing with just the 4 of us (I caught a break!) My husband is not one for idle chatter. My cell phone and laptop have been tucked away as we have no internet, we’ve been playing card games, chess, etc. instead of turning on the t.v. – and today we skied all day. I even rode up alone a few times so I actually had 3-5 minute bouts of SILENCE! Wow – give myself a gold sticker! Except, I only did so well because of the odd situation I’m in; where I actually lacked the opportunity to gossip and prattle. By this evening, I’d forgotten all about it and the first opportunity I had (family discussion I STARTED about the late-teen couple at the hot tub), I was funny, I told them what I heard them saying, I made fun of them, and I encouraged my husband and children to carry on in the same way. We all had a good laugh, and I forgot all about it until this moment, when I look back at the day and say oops. Given the chance, I LOVE to gossip. It gave me a warm fuzzy feeling and let me connect with my family. I would share the amusing things I said here, but then I would have been guilty TWICE today! So I won’t. Not that it was horrible hateful stuff, but it definitely falls into this category.
No, take away the gold star sticker – I only lucked into this one! The moment temptation hits, I dive in! NEEDS WORK

Silence – Speak not but what may benefit others, avoid trifling conversation
Silence * * * * * * *
Tranquility * * *

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