Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Temperance - week 1

Temperance – with the bar obviously set so low, I was sure I would do well. In fact, I find I am all about temperance theses days, if nothing else. Don’t drink don’t smoke don’t gamble, don’t stay up late. . . The only trap I could fall into is binge eating. And the only time I do that is when I’m dieting, so I carefully avoided that activity this week (haha!) and I was fine. (By the looks of him, this is probably something Ben did as well.) 2 times I had the thought oh no, this is SO decadent it MUST be overindulgence (both times drinking hot chocolate). But no, this isn’t about not enjoying food/life, it’s about enjoying it in moderation without overindulgence. So, this temperance week was a great week for me to start on. My goal was to eat more vegetables and less cookies and the only time I almost faltered was when I was tempted to punish myself by limiting something for the soul reason of feeling like this virtue should be harder. Now the others that I’m sort of tracking as I go along are all over the place; so I happily go onto the next, thinking YAY! At least I have a handle on one thing.
Temperance - 12/10/10
Eat not to dullness, drink not to elevation
Temperance * * * * *
Order *
Frugality *
Sincerity *
Moderation * * *
Cleanliness * *
Tranquility *
Chastity *

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