Tuesday, October 31, 2006

"A time when you were scared . . . "

Well, I wasn't going to comment on this one as it immediately brought to mind ancient memories of being picked up and thrown across the room. . . an event too icky to share. Then Caitlin's sudden illness of 3 years ago. But, then Martha's mouse confession reminded me of a much more palatable recollection. CRICKETS!

Once upon a time, in a suburban neighborhood kind of like this, in a nice house, just like this, with a back yard just like this one. . . . I was a teen I believe, spraying the back concrete porch clean of leaves. And the water went down between the cracks and a cricket (you know, those black slimy looking things with the bendy angular sicky-legs) jumped out. It was trying to get out of the water stream, and so jumped TOWARD ME. (In a slow and hideous manner!) It kept coming and coming and I fought it off with the garden hose stream of water, but then! Another cricket climbed out. And another. AND ANOTHER! Wielding the garden hose like an automatic weapon I stood my ground. . . for awhile. Then I fled into the house. Ewh. Hate crickets to this day. (I didn't like them much before that, but the coup on the back porch was over the top!)


Martha said...

That reminds I'm also not that fond of grasshoppers. I think what all these critters share in common is their sneaky and unpredictable mannerisms. With a dog or cat: you know you'll get sniffed, maybe licked and you can hear and see them coming from a distance (even those tiny little things which people confuse for being dogs but they are really cute rats). I like things predictable, in case you hadn't noticed. HAHA

tz said...

the crickets here look like roaches! but roaches that HOP, it's horrible, my navy navigator brother in the mid east is scared of them too...does that help you feel any better!