Sunday, November 26, 2006

Blog Challenge - 5 priceless nuggests of wisdom

What are 5 nuggets of wisdom that have been imparted to you by people you've cherished? How do those nuggets show up in your daily life... or do they? Have the words of wisdom shaped you? Which nuggets have you passed on to people who cherish you?

1 )With out a doubt the peice of advice that has had the most positive impact on my life would be from the Flylady - "Anything worth doing is worth doing half assed." This change in perspective has kept me from a mountain of perfectionist depression; the inertia caused by being overwhelmed. It's OK not to be perfect.

2) "That which does not kill you makes you grow stronger" - Conan the Barbarian. haha - It's true, live and learn, get stronger. Even the most hideous events can be racked up as life lessons.

3) "Ralph Liggit" - This is a Gillis family quote. Suitable for all purposes. Say a family member is having a tough day, needing some sort of encouraging words. . . The directions are to pat them on the shoulder, and say "Ralph Liggit". Apparently Ralph was a very odd fellow known to the McCrery's (?) who would just disappear for seasons at a time and who knows what else. It means. . . I'm ok your ok? People are weird? Everyone marches to the beat of their own drum? At leasts you're not crazy? I'm not sure, but I've always found it oddly comforting.

OK - I don't have any cherished people connections in there because I think you just threw that in as a nod to sappy Christmas time. (But I'll think about it, and try to come up with a few.)

1 comment:

tz said...

ralph liggit...even his name is perfect for that!
i would want to hit my aunt when she would pull the 'if it doesn't kill you it'll make you stronger' card...but now i think it's a very good quote...

i'll do my challenge later, i need to find something on procastinating. haha