Thursday, October 04, 2007

11pm and all is well

I thought of dozens of things to blog about this week, as it sped past. Now here I am and all of them have fled.

OH, CRAP! The tooth fairy needs to get to work - 11pm and all is not well unless I go make things right. TTFN


Dodi said...

Hey! If you're the tooth fairy why haven't you been to my house to take care of all those teeth Annie lost last year? I'm out a lot of money because of you!!!

Colleen O said...

I forked out some extra guilt money and printed out a "I lost a tooth" certificate from Flossie. I'm good now.

tz said... happy i'm not the only one!

my brother thinks the neighborhood mommies should write a book on how to make things 'right' after total f*&k ups like forgetting a tooth payout...

a friend told me about an easter bunny foul up...the dad told the daughter that she was older now and easter bunny was going to make it harder...then ran and through a bunch of stuff in the bushes....and periodically during the day would throw more stuff and would egg her on...hahaha