Sunday, November 04, 2007

Foiled by a 5 year old

I remembered!! I did! I swear it! Early this morning I went out to my car to retrieve 3 of the $1 gold coins that Abi loves to play with - in order to shine them up and stick them under her pillow - because her dangly tooth that I've let hang on for most of the week FINAL fell out last night! So 5 a.m. I'm sneaking and creeping into her room thinking I'm so good - and she rolls over, obviously awake for awhile; " Hi mommy: the tooth fairy didn't come."

Unfair! Unbelievable! - (please oh please let me remember to do it tonight, I may need to set the alarm for 2 a.m.)


A cowgirl and a cheerleader this year. I'd already disrobed from my Orange jack-o-lantern tshirt that I would classify as lame, but the kids thought it was great.
The real fun happened at night though. . .
Since Kevin already had his costume ready for a party the weekend before, he went ahead and dressed up, well, cross-dressed up for Halloween. Pretty funny stuff, particularly if you know my mild mannered husband.

Tommy, Aggie, Caitlin, Jeffrey and Abi all had a teeth rotting, hyperactive, fall over exhausted good time!


tz said...

I think you should frame kevin's picture and put it right next to the one where he's running that 10k or whatever...just to keep him humble!

cutie pies!

oh and maybe if you weren't lurking in front of casa mia stealing our wireless signal you would have remembered the coins...hahahaha
ok, i guess it's not stealing when i said no problem
and no, we had no idea you were out there...secretly in your minivan on your lap top...would have been fun to scare you though.

Martha said...

So, I'm walking through the 'hood, when I see this "couple" turn the corner. I think to myself: "Oh how sweet, the mom is dressed up too. I should have done that". We make it to Casa Mia (for a REAL pit stop), and Minnie and company are still there...I smile and say Hello...then my over 40 brain registers that who that is underneath that costume. And so I go "OH HELLO!~" and start to laugh. Between his costume, and his mopping the kitchen floor story, you just keep making it harder and harder to look at your husband and not burst out laughing.

Colleen O said...

you mean the one where he's necked? That's my hub.

Sitting In Silence said...

LMAO...Minny MOUSE.....

What a MAN !!!

I'm Impressed Ha ha ha ha.

Dodi said...

I've met your husband - and I still can't picture him dressed in this costume. Even though you have proof, it's surreal.

So, did the golden coins appear magically under a sweet little girl's pillow?